Monster Blog Article

What is your Unique Selling Proposition and why do you need it?

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If we ask you what it is that makes your business truly special, would you have an easy answer? Have you ever created a statement that clearly conveys what your ideal client wants, what your business does well, and how that sets you apart from your competition? Known as a unique selling proposition or USP, your business can greatly benefit from a short and concise marketing statement that communicates clearly why your product or service is the better choice.

Why do we need a USP?

Just think about it. What makes people buy Nike instead of Adidas, or choose Apple over Android? It’s quite likely because of their USP! By focusing on what sets your products or service apart, you can strategically position yourself in the market and win more business.

Customers these days do plenty of research before they make a purchase or decide on a service provider. That’s why it’s so important to hit the right note and showcase what makes your business different. If they don’t immediately see the value of your product or service and how that benefits them, they’ll move on.

A good USP should resonate with your ideal client, help you stand out, and leave an impression. If your USP is too vague, it will miss the mark. Great customer service for instances imply isn’t strong enough. It’s too generic and doesn’t explain how your service is better than others, or what makes it unique.You’d be one of many businesses that make that claim.

How to define your unique selling proposition

Of course, it’s not an easy task to pinpoint that one defining characteristic of your service. It takes a bit of work to create the rightUSP for your business, so let’s break down the process.

1. Know your ideal client

Before you think about your USP you need to think about your customers. Where do they come from, what are their ages, and why do they buy from you? Understanding your audience and matching your service to their needs and pain points is a definitive element of a USP.

2. Know your competition

Next, it’s time to take a close look at the competition. Understanding what they are offering and knowing how you can outperform them in terms of uniqueness is key. What do you deliver that they do not? What do you do better?

3. Know your strengths

Think about your core values and ask yourself, what are the things you want to be known for?What are you most proud of in your business?Look at the evidence and feedback wherever you can find it, including ratings, reviews, awards, and thank you notes.

4. What difference does your service make?

It’s crucial to identify the specific benefits your service offers. What problem does it solve, or what needs does it fulfill for your ideal client? How much time, money, or effort do you save them? What’s the real benefit to your client and what does a successful result look like for them?

When you write all this information down and analyse it, creating a memorable USP will be much easier. Just remember that it’s unlikely you get it perfect the first time. We recommend testing different versions of your USP with your ideal clients and see what resonates best. Your USP should be a living statement that evolves as your business grows.

Top Tip: When creating your USP, aim for one or two sentences that really pack a punch. You want people to remember it long after they hear it.

Show the people behind your business

Alongside identifying your target audience and ideal client, analysing competitors and highlighting your business’ strengths, you need to make sure that you show that you’re authentic. That is why a strong About Us page on your website is so important.

It may feel a bit daunting to show your face on your website but please don’t hide behind your service offerings only. Show yourself and your team, use video, and let your customers know who you are and why you love what you do. Communicate your values and what your business stands for. Show how you contribute to your community, and all the things that make you uniquely you!

When you prioritise authenticity in your USP and everywhere else in your business, it leads to genuine connections with your ideal clients. That builds trust and translates into long-term relationships and loyalty.

Some strong USPs for inspiration

Whittaker’s: New Zealand’s finest chocolate.

Whittaker’s appeals to national pride while positioning their product as premium quality. The use of “finest” suggests a top-tier product and an emphasis on using local ingredients, which resonates with Kiwis.

Netflix: Watch TV your way.

This clearly positions Netflix as the alternative to traditional television. It directly addresses the pain points of consumers who want convenience. On-demand access to shows and movies allows viewers to watch what they want when they want.

Spotify: Music for every mood.

This unique selling proposition emphasises Spotify’s huge music library and personalised recommendations. It speaks directly to those who want instant access to music that suits their current mood or activity.

Nike: Just Do It.

This iconic phrase is a call to action. It inspires and motivates people to push their limits and achieve their goals. Whether you’re a seasoned athlete or just starting out, it’s a USP that encourages you to get moving and reach your full potential.

Trade Me: Where Kiwis buy and sell.

This USP is clear and simple. It highlights the brand’s focus on the New Zealand market,creating a sense of community and trust. It also differentiates Trade Me from global platforms such as Amazon or eBay.

M&M’s: Melts in your mouth, not in your hand.

It focuses on the benefit, solves a common problem, and is simple, catchy, and easy to remember. No other chocolate brand can make this claim, and despite being created decades ago, this USP is still relevant because it’s about enjoying chocolate without mess.

How Monster Creative can help

At Monster Creative in Whangarei, we create websites that are designed to outperform your competition. Before we start working on your new website, we’ll share a planner document with you that asks important questions such as:

✓ What makes your business different from your competitors?

✓ Who are your ideal clients?

✓ What do they need or want to buy?

✓ What is most important to them?

✓ What result do they expect from your service?

Together, we’ll find the golden nuggets that will give you what you need to craft a well-defined USP. Then we’ll feature it prominently on your new website. Our copywriter and design team will use it as their guideline to clearly highlight the unique value of your business.

We’re great at helping our clients grow their business with more ideal clients so if you are ready for a new website that takes your business to the next level, book in a discovery call now.

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