Looking at how to solve the problems and answer the immediate questions of the website viewers for AER was the first concern to tackle. A thorough planning session coupled with keyword and industry research gave us the answers we needed and formed the basis for the home page design.
Quality content
Digging up good quality content for our customers is always a hard task! But it is the pure difference between a good website that keeps viewers engaged and a bad website that sends your viewers away. Owner of AER Melanie Mitt understood the need to solve her customers questions and was fully onboard with creating top quality content with the help of our expert copywriter. Melanie also felt the need to showcase her own temps and engaged a photographer to eliminate the need for stock images.
Website design and build
With quality copy and images in hand our talented team got to work on bringing the elements together into a clean, sophisticated and functional website. Still keeping the customers questions at the forefront of our minds this website was purely aimed at pleasing viewers, answering their questions and encouraging enquiries. Once we had the design and build ready to go our next challenge was setting the new site live under a brand new domain name and ensuring that their top Google rankings weren’t compromised.
Project go live!
With some fancy layering effects to impress new recruitment website viewers it was time for some website training so that Melanie can keep the content fresh and up-to-date. She already has video tesimonials ready to upload which is excellent content to keep viewers engaged and helps to encourage website enquiries. The Congratulations gift basket was well received which we like to deliver to all our custom website clients to celebrate the milestone of getting a swish new custom designed and built website online.