Monster Blog Article

Where is the proof? How to build REAL trust using your website

Where is the proof? How to build REAL trust using your website blog article

Leveraging online marketing to grow your business in todays’ day and age begins with driving more traffic to your website, because your website is the digital front door of your business. But to stand out in today’s competitive landscape, you need a website that’s as unique as you are. To convert visitors into engaged customers and raving fans, you’ll need more than a good website – what you need is a great website that builds trust.

But how do you build trust on your website?

A website isn’t just a nice-to-have. It’s a critical tool that is required to grow your business, stay relevant, and ensure you don’t get left behind. Getting more eyes on your digital assets is one thing, but the number one goal of your website is to build trust. The better you do this, the higher the chance that your viewers will turn their browsing into making an enquiry. It’s become chopped liver to have a nicely formatted website that says all the great things about your business, with some images and added feel-good stuff. All this is very nice, but where is the evidence that proves it all to be true? Start showing real proof of how you can solve real problems, and it becomes undeniable that your site visitor’s best bet is to do business with you.

To build REAL trust with your viewers here’s what you need to do:

1. Connect with their problem

Newsflash–It’s not about you! It’s about your client–your ideal client and the problems and pain points they are facing. They need to know that your business can help them fix it. That’s why you need to know exactly what your ideal client is looking to resolve. Once you have identified this, the opening statement on each relevant page on your website should address it. State the problem, share their pain, and you’ll create an instant connection with your viewer. It’s even better if you can isolate it to one problem only and speak directly to your ideal client.

2. Show them the evidence of your work

A website without evidence is basically a pile of unsupported marketing claims. That’s why it’s essential to showcase your projects or portfolio on your website, case studies included. It’s an easy way to highlight the value of your offerings to potential customers, as they can see that you’ve helped others who are in the same industry and have similar pain points. It is confirmation from others just like them that your products or services are the real deal. Where possible include details of the projects such as what the challenges were that your service/product or team helped your customer to overcome.

3. Say it straight from the horse’s mouth

Showing real feedback and social proof on your website is a powerful tool to establish credibility and trust with your ideal clients. Google Reviews are the obvious ones, as these are the most trustworthy because you can’t filter it to only show the best of the lot. Video testimonials are also gold, and case studies are even better. Make it easy for happy customers to leave a review for your business, take the time to reply and say thank you.About 90% of consumers read reviews before making a purchase decision. That should be a big enough reason to include them.

4. What difference did it make?

Communicate the difference that your services made and show what obstacles you’ve helped your customers overcome. Think about the real outcome that your service has helped them achieve, and what emotions is has created. For example, if you are a kitchen designer, what impact did the new kitchen have for your client? Did it give them a sense of pride to have a great space to host dinner parties for friends and family? Did the roofer who hired a bookkeeper to take care of reconciling and GST get more free time to spend with his family? Did it free him up to go fishing or play golf more often? That’s the true impact of your service.

Top Tip

Figuring out what examples of work to show on your website can be an overwhelming task. Instead of choosing your favourite ones, think about which projects were done for your absolute dream clients–the ones that were easy to deal with, took your advice, paid on time and gave you a review. Those are the projects that you want to profile, as it will attract more of the same type of clients, again and again.

Imagine a world where you got to deal with only your most ideal clients? Wouldn’t business be a dream? Let’s raise the standard and shoot for the moon every time. Even if you miss you will land among the stars!

Monster Creative uses a proven process that helps you to identify and attract your ideal clients. As a result, you will see an increase in enquiries and that helps to grow your business. If you are ready to level up and take your business to the next stage, book in a time for a discovery call. We’re here to help and can’t wait to join you in celebrating your success.

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