Mobile-friendly websites
Is your website mobile-friendly? Have you ever given up on a website because it took too long to load, won’t fit on the screen or stabbed at menus due to the width of your finger vs the teeny tiny ridiculous buttons? And as a result, you lost interest and closed the page? Yes? – Congratulations, […]
What is SEO?
What is SEO? You’ve heard of this acronym and know that it’s kind of important if you have a website, but still don’t totally understand why? Join the masses and read on! Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is a huge topic and covers many facets of the online world. We can help demystify how it applies […]
SEO: New Website
New Website: planning your marketing? Look close to home first! When it comes to planning business marketing for the new year, many people start by working out their budgets for online advertising, print media and design work. If this sounds familiar, STOP! Before you pour your hard-earned dollars into any form of advertising, think about […]